New to Real Estate Content Marketing? Here’s How (and Where) To Get Started

When it comes to real estate content marketing, there’s one big universal truth: you need to have a strategy. For those new to the marketing scene, determining a strategy can get tricky and maybe a little stressful when you’re not sure how (or where) to even get started.

Some of you may even be wondering: What is content marketing anyway? Does what I post on Facebook really make a difference? What do I do if I don’t have the time? Speaking of time, what is the right time to post? And how much should I post? With so many questions, it can feel a bit overwhelming.

Which is why we’re here to help. Let’s start by defining content marketing then dive into the how and where.

What is Real Estate Content Marketing?

Real estate content marketing is an umbrella term for the technique of creating and delivering useful information to establish credibility and drive customer action. It is a strategic process that uses valuable, relevant and consistent content meant to educate, entertain, attract leads and, ultimately convert.

And the benefits of real estate content marketing are endless. From brand awareness and boosting search engine rankings to creating loyalty and trust among prospects, it helps you build authority to position yourself and your business as an expert in the industry.

What’s the Secret to Getting Started with Real Estate Content Marketing?

The secret to starting with real estate content marketing is not really a secret at all. We’ll give you a hint.

Go back to the previous paragraph and read the description of content marketing. Take notice of the words “relevant” and “valuable.” That right there is the difference between professional real estate content marketing and the other useless posts you might see from other companies just trying to sell, sell, sell…without taking into consideration the needs of the audience.

The big reveal: add value.

If you’re not sure how to add value, just ask your customers. No seriously.

Think about it. Digital house hunters want someone they can trust by their side during their exciting (yet scary) journey to buy or sell a home. Many prospective clients understand what’s happening now…they’re turning to you for advice on what’s going to happen a year from now. And since the market is rapidly evolving, it’s up to you to stay ahead of the curve and deliver the content that they’re searching for.

Where to Start Posting Real Estate Content Marketing?

The two most valuable online-based platforms to publish this valuable information and help realtors get started in their marketing efforts include quality blogs and social media channels such as Facebook.

If you educate prospective customers and gain their trust, you’ll gain their business…all without a hard sell. This will be a key differentiating factor between your well-thought-out real estate content marketing posts and the all the other clutter out there.

Capitalize on popular industry trends and micro moments. From high-level how-to articles about home-loans and understanding a purchase agreement to blogs on trending interior design advice and de-cluttering tips, weave your industry insight into all the content you publish.

Realize that the content strategy will evolve; it should be an on-going process as trends, your customers’ needs and the market changes over time. As you strategically refine content with that approach, be sure to measure how it’s performing. For example, what times, days and topics engage your audience on social media the most?

Don’t Have Time for Real Estate Content Marketing? Turn to Post Café

Enrich the lives of your customers with credible content and you’ll establish yourself as a trusted expert in your field (which ultimately translates to increased leads and sales). But we know your time is valuable. Turn to the experts at Post Café to help offset the amount of work that you need to do; we write the content and post it right to your Facebook business page.

Let the experts at Post Café help you with all the content you need to get started; call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more!

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