Does it Feel Like You’re Spinning Your Wheels but Getting Nowhere? Discover Micro Moments for Real Estate

Micro MomentsDo you ever feel like you’re inside a hamster wheel, spinning straight to nowhere, fast?  When it comes to getting people to stop scrolling and take notice of realtors online, it seems they’re trying everything possible but no one is listening! Why is that?

Grabbing consumer’s attention these days is harder than ever before. They’re connected on multiple devices all hours of the day, but they’re being bombarded with more pop-up ads and irrelevant content that seem to generate more frustration than interest. Many realtors online are struggling to do it all on their own and end up feeling like they’re spinning out of control. The goal isn’t necessarily to do it all but instead, to deliver the right information at the right time. Enter: Micro Moments for Real Estate.

Micro Moments for Real Estate

The micro-moment concept, introduced by Google, is a way to capture that instant when a person is open to discovery. It compresses the time between exploration, search, discovery and conversion. And since Google reports that 60% of users now make purchase decisions more quickly than they did just a few years ago, when someone’s looking for information or searching for services, you need to deliver.

Four Distinct Moments Realtors Should Know Online

Google identifies four distinct moments realtors online should know:

Each micro-moment represents a distinct consumer action, and together they cover the full range of consumer needs across all stages of their purchasing journey.

Discover Micro Moments for Real Estate with Relevant Content

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that digital content needs to be industry related and relevant to the decision-making process. Today’s consumers rely on content to provide relevant information that will help them make important decisions…you know, like buying a house. In the end, that’s the only way you’ll be able to capture attention and stand out from the crowd.

Struggling to stand out? Get off the hamster wheel and let content from Post Café help you create micro moments for real estate.

Started today; call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more!

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