Some Things Never Change: 5 Tips That Will Forever Influence Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing StrategyFrom animal prints to wall paper, some trends just keep coming back in style. Though these trends are always evolving, several things remain the same: a solid business reputation, a strong online presence and establishing an effective digital marketing strategy, to name a few.

Digital Marketing Strategy Is In. Winging It Is Out.

But, unfortunately, many businesses moving into digital marketing and social media are just “winging it” and need to focus on setting a defined strategy if they’re going to have any impact on business. Sounds like common sense, right? But when it comes to content, many lack a written strategy…and therefore results.

As you begin to strategize your brand’s digital marketing goals going forward, here are five simple tips to keep in mind:

1. Just Do It.

Although Google is not shy about admitting they are constantly tweaking their secret search algorithm in order to boost users’ search experience, content is still king. That means blogging should be a top priority for businesses this year. But content marketing success rarely happens by accident.

Business blogging is steadily on the rise, offering businesses more leads and bigger SEO benefits than those who don’t blog. In fact, 47% of buyers report viewing three to five pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. Your blog is a perfect opportunity to draw new customers in by answering their questions and capture a sale in the process.

2. Word Count Counts.

Longer blogs tend to perform better in search. Sure, you may get a green light as SEO friendly at 300 words, but that doesn’t mean anything to search engines, like Google, if no one is reading it. The average word count of top-ranking content is between 1,140 and 1,285 words. But at the end of the day, it’s about providing high-quality content that’s packed with useful information answering the search inquiry.

3. Provide Value.

Word count matters, but quality matters more. Since 43% of people admit to skimming blog posts, you need to make yours stand out with original, well-written content. Only then will you be able to create a valuable experience for readers to keep them scrolling down your page and coming back for more.

4. Make it Shareable.

Visuals used to be merely a recommendation; now, including an image or picture is mandatory. Considering that blogs with images get 94% more views, you can see why. Visuals are not only more engaging, they’re useful to the reader (which makes them more sharable). Wrap your head around this statistic: 95% of people who share posts do so because they think it will be helpful to their friends.

5. Become a Trusted Resource.

Blogs have recently been rated as the 5th most credible, trusted and valuable sources of information. Brand content is critical to your users’ experience. It has the power to enhance relationships…or lose them. Address their needs by answering questions before they’re asked, enhance it to capture them in their micro moment, develop content with a strategic keyword in mind, and then share each post through your social media channels.

Does your blog live up the hype?

Your Digital Marketing Strategy Solution: Post Café

Establishing a consistent presence online may not only boost your reputation but act as a differentiator separating you from the rest of the competition. Between brand awareness, generating leads and thought leadership, it’s clear to see why content should the number one most important piece of your digital marketing strategy.

But, you know it takes time (we know this, too). Which is why you can decide leave it to the experts so you can spend more time on other business needs.

At Post Café, our digital marketing professionals closely monitor trending topics and complete extensive keyword research to find out what’s going to resonate with your audience. We make it easy for businesses by writing all the trending blogs and posting them directly to your social media accounts, so you don’t have to.

Call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more today.

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