Facebook for Realtors: Stats You Can’t Ignore

Facebook For RealtorsListen up! In case you’ve ever had any lingering doubts, Facebook for Realtors is too big to ignore. Buyers are increasingly relying on friends and relatives for referrals to buy a home and for the first time, Facebook is leading the digital ad revenue in the US, second only to Google.

Need some stats to prove it? We’ve got plenty. But here are 9 important ones to keep in mind as you fine tune your social media presence on Facebook.

Improving Your Social Presence  on Facebook for Realtors


  1. As of November 2016, there are over 1.79 billion monthly active users on Facebook (a 16% increase over last year).
  2. 66% of Facebook monthly users reportedly use the social site daily. That’s 1.18 billion people who log on to Facebook every day (a 17% increase over last year).
  3. Of those users, almost 30% are between the ages of 25 to 34.


What does this mean to realtors? A massive number of Facebook users are actively visiting the social site on a consistent basis (with the prime target demographic clearly defined). This makes for a very promising audience to engage with in your real estate marketing efforts.


  1. Every day, Facebook generates 4.5 billion likes.
  2. The heaviest traffic occurs mid-week between 1 to 3 pm.
  3. Thursdays and Fridays result in 18% more engagement than other days of the week.

How this can help realtors? Just because you now know general peak usage times, you still need to fine tune your own posting schedule. With Facebook insights, you have the potential to reach more consumers organically and boost brand awareness. And then strategically use that information to determine what days and time to post in order to optimize your social media marketing efforts.


  1. One in five page views in the U.S. occurs on Facebook.
  2. The average time spent on Facebook per visit is 20 minutes.
  3. Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 510 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated, and 136,000 photos are uploaded.


What does this mean for realtors? You have a very short amount time to make a strong impression and compete for their attention. So, use it wisely by posting relevant, interesting and quality information to get the most return on your efforts.

Post Café Delivers Only the Best on Facebook for Realtors

Facebook is a crowded marketplace, but you can’t afford to sit it out. Odds are high that your competition is there, so learn how to use Facebook correctly and make sure that your efforts stand out from the crowd.

Investing in social media is key for business success, so rather than adding more chaos to your life, turn to the experts at Post Café; we’re here to make your life easier. Check out this article to learn more about Post Café and how we deliver only the best on Facebook for Realtors and call us at 732-218-9377 with any questions or to get started today.


Find out more about the power of Facebook statistics from Facebook themselves: at: https://investor.fb.com/investor-news/press-release-details/2016/Facebook-Reports-Third-Quarter-2016-Results/default.aspx.

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