Creating Facebook Content Your Audience Will Love

Facebook ContentYou may have heard the saying, “people buy with their hearts, not their heads.” That means if you want to find the way to a consumer’s heart, you need good, quality content that they will love! We’re talking about everything from copy on your website, to the tweets you share, and all of your Facebook content.

If you don’t have it, it will be like you don’t even exist (gasp!). And if you do have it, but it’s not that good, no one will pay any attention (double gasp!).

So, what defines good content?

Facebook Content They Will Love

The good news? You have all the tools you need to get your message out there.

The bad news? Everyone else has them, too and the field is ridiculously crowded making it harder to get noticed.

This is exactly why it’s so important that businesses of all sizes start thinking and acting big.

Think BIG

Your business has an online identity and everyone, from prospective clients to future employees, will rely on a simple Internet search to see what they can learn about you before ever meeting you in person. It’s time to shape up what they see.

Sure, you may be working with a family to sell their small home in the suburbs, but the very survival of your brand will depend on distributing your story through your content as much as possible…and to as many people as possible. And we’re not just talking about any type of content, but content that brings value to your audience.

The good news? You don’t have to have a billion-dollar budget like Starbucks to get noticed online.

The bad news? You need to have the bandwidth to produce enough of the magnetic content that pulls on your customer’s emotions.

A good starting point is to discover the micro-moment.

Grab Attention with Your Content

Content is never a one-size-fits-all approach. That means putting out content that your target audience would like at each stage of their buying journey; this is not necessarily the content you would like.

Give your audience what they want, when they’re looking for it and they’ll come back for more. From the “I-want-to-know” moments to the “I-want-to-go,” “I-want-to-do,” and “I-want-to-buy” moments, each micro-moment represents a distinct consumer action, and together they cover the full range of consumer needs across all stages of their purchasing journey.

Magnetize Your Audience

By putting out content that your audience wants to read, see or watch, you’re drawing them in, gaining their trust and making your brand the go-to-resource for all their future needs. That’s going to be much more valuable in the long run than a passing advertisement.

The good news? To become the trusted resource, all you have to do is put out quality content every day and engage around it. It’s really that simple.

The bad news? It takes time.

No one becomes successful by accident. Sure, you can have a terrific idea for a social post, but if you don’t get that content out, you’ll have nothing around which to build your idea. It requires time and effort to come up with the ideas, create content, put it out on your social media channels, put in the work to engage and then do it all over again.

Look at the Big Picture

You want to give people something to look forward to; keep yourself on your customer’s radar. Give them every chance to share your name with one of their friends who doesn’t know you yet and join your conversation.  But how do you know if your content is valuable?

Look at the engagement numbers. How many people are liking the post, leaving comments, or sharing? Insights can tell you a pretty good story. Keep track of what’s going out and when; then compare that to how it affects traffic to your website. See what works (and what doesn’t), adjust then decide whether it’s worth the effort to continue down the same path or try another.

Content Creates Opportunity

Content has the power to create valuable opportunities. If you are not able to produce the kind of quality content that your audience wants, or at the rate that they want it, your business won’t survive.

Moral of the story: work smarter…not harder.

We get it, many businesses online are struggling to do it all on their own and end up feeling like they’re spinning out of control. Discover how Post Café can help you create all the content you need to break through the noise.

Call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more and get started today.

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