Stay Top-of-Mind without Driving Them Insane. How Often is Too Often to Post on Facebook?

One of the most common social media questions businesses ask about it how often to post on Facebook. Does posting more frequently mean your company will reach more people? (Not quite.) Or will more posts simply annoy your fans and lead them to blocking you? (More likely.)

Like most things, there isn’t really a universal answer; the truth is that you need to determine what works best for your target audience. Some stats tell us that Facebook business pages should post up to five times a day, but that number is often debated. Other studies suggest 1-2 posts per day by businesses. If you post too often, your reach will be diluted, post too little and you’ll seem out of the loop.

As Fast Company highlights, you need to strike a happy balance between making sure the word gets out about your business and annoying your consumers with too-frequent contact.

How Often Should a Small Business Post on Facebook?

The best way to determine your optimal frequency of Facebook posts is to experiment and find out for yourself. Follow these steps to get you pointed in the right direction:

  1. Build a strategy. By now, you’re aware that building a strong social media presence is critical to your online success. Examine any data already collected and determine your starting point. What’s working for you now and what can you tweak to make improvements? Use this data to build your strategy.
  2. Spy on the competition. Check your competitors’ Facebook page (and their stats)! Set up “Pages to Watch” feature on your business Facebook account and add your competitors to the list.
  3. Experiment. Test a specific posting frequency for a few weeks then change it up and test out a different posting frequency. Compare data like the average reach, comments, likes, shares and examine any patterns to determine what works best for your page and your audience.
  4. Balance. Strike a balance between sharing original content, curating cool pieces and taking advantage of user-generated content. Remember, the content you post is a direct reflection of the type of business you are. Make it shine!

Need to Brew Up Some Social Posts? It’s What We Do!

Let the experts at Post Café do that for you! We make it easy for you by offering a variety of status update suggestions to choose from or get inspired to write your own!

Have an open mind and know that every small business and every Facebook audience has their own unique needs. If you haven’t yet developed a social media strategy for your company, check out our latest blog, “Color Outside the Lines: Simple Ways To Enhance Facebook for Business,” for some inspiration on the best social media practices for your business.

Post Café is the easiest way for small businesses to be professional and active within social media; we write all the articles, post it to your social account for you and give you the credit right on the article! Find out more today at 732-218-9377.

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