Get Your Audience to Actually Read Your Posts: Why Professional Content on Facebook Works

How’s your Facebook exposure going these days? Let us guess. You have great stuff to share that you think your fans are simply going to love. You post it and anxiously wait for all of the Reactions to roll in, and then…nothing. Crickets.

It takes a lot of time to produce great content, so how do you make sure that your audience is actually going to read it? Well, the bad news is that is that not everyone who comes across your post is going to click on your link. But, the good news is that a few chosen ones will…these are your engaged users. The ones who really matter. Find out what is attracting them to click. Is it stunning images, catchy headlines, or videos that get the most response? Duplicate those efforts along with professional content on Facebook to provide real value.

Professional Content on Facebook Counts

The headline of your blog is the most powerful tool to help you stand out and get them to click; make sure it grabs your readers’ attention. Use sub headings that help them decide if they want to keep read or scroll on to the next paragraph. Remember, the title is a promise to your reader. You’re setting an expectation for what they’ll get for clicking on your link. For example, if your title is “10 Steps to Buying Your First Home,” make sure you deliver on each step…if you don’t provide enough value, you will lose their trust.

Write in a way that makes it easy for your readers to understand and consume your messages; avoid technical industry lingo (unless that’s who you’re speaking to) and be sure to include examples with anecdotes or visuals to hold their attention.

Your audience’s time is valuable. Don’t waste it.

Get Them to Read…Then Get Them To Refer!

Once you get their thumb to stop scrolling, look at your post, click the link and read your blog, every single person has the potential to share your brand with their friends. This referral offers you an endless number of potential customers right to your door. But you may be asking yourself, “But how can I get them to do that?”

In addition to implementing referral programs like monetary incentives and email campaigns, social media marketing is an effective tool to boost sales. Considering that Americans spend an average of 5.2 hours a day on the internet (and almost half of this time is spent on social media), it goes without saying that you should absolutely position yourself where your customers are spending their time: on Facebook.

Be Social- As in Social Media

Don’t have the time to generate blogs for your business? What if we told you we have a resource for you that would allow you access to professional content on Facebook quickly and easily? And the best part…if you have a Facebook business page, you can use this tool! Let the experts at Post Café help you start your journey with the content you need to be social, gain trust and get people to click; call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more. Try it out for yourself (it’s pretty AH-MAZING). You’ll be glad you did!

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