In the Ring: 9 Quick Tips on Social Media for Small Businesses That Pack a Punch

Social Media for small businessesIf we were to guess, you set up a business page on Facebook a while ago, right? Maybe you posted regularly at first…and then other business needs took over and snagged your social media time. I bet you wish you had the time to generate more content while simultaneously coming up with clever posts to lure your audience into a lead. We’ve come up with a few quick tips on social media for small businesses that are simple to implement, yet pack a powerful punch.

And the best part? You can do any (and all) of them starting today.

1. Follow Other Industry Pubs

One of the easiest ways to offer industry news, trends, and professional updates is to “like” other reputable Facebook pages. Stand back and watch your newsfeed fill with articles, viral videos, and clever how-to’s. Share that knowledge with your followers and those companies will be more likely to share your posts in return.

2. Follow Respected Industry Influencers

Get your daily dose of guidance and advice while expanding your professional network at the same time. Stalk…er, we mean follow the big players in your field for helpful business tips. Maybe you do this already? It’s OK, it’s not creepy…it’s research.

Additionally, connect with your extended network such as alumni or past co-workers. Send them a personalized message asking to connect; you never know what they can offer you and they’ll be more likely to share your posts, too. Speaking of…

3. Share Their Posts

Anytime you share, comment on, or like/love something, people notice. That means, that with the click of a button, you can start to build your brand and become a thought leader in your space.

Share articles that inspire you and express your thoughts in the comments. And don’t forget to tag others who you think might also like them, too.

4. Invest in a Professional Cover Photo

Is your cover photo a blurry zoomed-in image of your product? Or is it a stock photo that’s failing to portray the quality service you offer? Trade it out with a high-resolution image and update it regularly.

5. Offer Some Personality

Don’t be afraid to offer some personality to your images. Just because you need to professionalize your profile image and cover photo, doesn’t mean they have to be bland. Allow your brand’s personality to shine through, front and center.

6. Edit

Maybe you already made your business page bio and don’t want to rewrite it. Fine, but how about editing it and make sure you have filled out all the sections of your profile. This is a very important thing to consider for those experiencing your business for the first time online.

Cut out unnecessary buzzwords, cliches, or jargon and update all the critical information including phone number, address, website, etc., but also keep hours and mission statements up to speed.

7. Like Other Posts

Sound familiar? See number 3. As a business, it’s important to like, share and comment on other posts. Offer some endorsements and promote other local businesses (who don’t compete with you).

These little things like this will help keep your network buzzing, get your name out there, and encourage others to do the same for your business. Speaking of…

8. Just Ask

Ask for likes in return. Have a hot offer and you want to spread the word about it? Post it and then message the link to others asking them to share it as well. Recover your organic Facebook reach.

As long as you don’t seem like you’re begging (or ask every day), most people will be likely willing to go that extra mile to help you out (because, you’ve done the same for them, too).

9. Offer Valuable Information

Establish yourself as a credible resource and people slow their scroll when they come across your posts; they’ll start to pay attention. And the benefits of creating professional content is endless. From brand awareness and boosting search engine rankings to creating loyalty and trust among prospects, it helps you build authority to position yourself and your business as an expert in the industry.

Content and Social Media for Small Businesses Made Easy

If you’re worried your business may not be making the best impression online, these nine rules of social media should get you going in the right direction. But if you don’t have the time to generate blogs for your business, Post Café is your ultimate resource that offers you access to professional content for Facebook.

the experts at Post Café help you start your journey with the content you need to be social, gain trust and get people to click; call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more. Try it out for yourself, you’ll be glad you did!

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