Content Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Professionals

content marketing ideas for real estate professionals Post Cafe

We’ve all heard it said: content is king. And current research certainly backs this statement up. A recent study finds that content marketing generates more than 3 times as many leads as more traditional, promotional outreach.

The reality is that in today’s digital landscape, behind every brand’s successful social media campaign is a steady flow of valuable and relevant content that connects to its target audience.

The key to a successful content marketing strategy is figuring out just what kind of content will best enable you to engage your audience.

Here, some of our favorite content marketing ideas geared specifically toward real estate professionals:

One of the goals of following a strong content marketing strategy is to establish yourself as a trusted resource for information to people in the home buying or selling process. Identifying and regularly posting national or local news stories that would be important to your audience is a perfect way to show them you’re in their corner, and that you have valuable information to share.

Sharing stories about the history of your area, news of upcoming community events or developments and highlighting local businesses or special features and facilities in the neighborhood can serve dual purposes for your real estate business. Not only will it help sell potential buyers on the community but will go a long way toward helping you prove yourself to be specialist in your prospects’ target geographical area.

You’re the real estate expert, so post blog content that provides useful tips and ideas for home buyers, sellers and owners. Your audience will come to look forward to your posts and will be more likely to engage with it (like, comment, share with friends.)

As humans, we are very visual beings. Give the people what they want by sharing a variety of images on social media that will appeal to them. Photos of a listed property, of special features in a home, of places around the community, even of your favorite local coffee spot will not only engage your audience but also help them to get to know more about you and your business.

Here’s a staggering statistic: more video content is uploaded on social media in a month than the major US television networks have produced in 30 years! Why? Because if reading about something is good, watching it is even better! Share virtual tours of listings, create videos around the neighborhood or host your own interactive Q&A session. It’s easier (and often more fun) for your audience to consume video content.

Content marketing is a key component of any successful social marketing strategy. If you need help working the kind of engaging, informative blog content your audience wants to see into your social marketing mix, consider an automation service like Post Cafe. Post Café is unique in that our solution will not only have the engaging article written but will also automate the posting of it to your social media pages for you. Give us a call to find out more about how Post Café can give your content marketing strategy the boost it needs!

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