Work Smarter (Not Harder). 5 Simple Facebook Marketing Tricks You’re Not Using (But Should)

Facebook has been around for quite a while now, and it’s full of hidden secrets you may not be using (but should). We’re letting you in on these powerful Facebook Marketing tricks to not only help you save some time, but also master the age-old adage: work smarter (not harder).

5 Facebook Marketing Tricks

Take a look and see if you spy any functions that you can try for your business page today!

1. Monitor Your Competitors

Aim for their numbers and learn from their success and failures. For example, take a look at their page from a customer’s viewpoint, what do you find disappointing about their profile and/or posts? Identify the things they may be doing wrong and avoid making those same mistakes.

Then, check out their growth. You can monitor “Facebook Pages to Watch” and follow up to 100 different brand pages. To access this cool feature, click “Insights,” then find the “Pages to Watch” tab (right under the “5 Most Recent Posts” section. Simply add in the pages you’d like to keep an eye on. Facebook gives you a detailed view of every one of their posts from the week allowing for quick, easy access.

2. Show Some Love

Facebook allows marketers to “Like” other brand pages as their business page. It’s a great way to show some support in your industry and get more likes for your page, too. Simply search for the page you want to “Like,” click the small gear icon on their timeline (next to the message button) and click, “Like as Your Page.” Look for your page name in the dropdown menu and click “save.” Easy as pie.

3. Keep Tabs on Your Audience

The Audience Insights feature on Facebook provides detailed info about your very own target audience. What’s cool about this is that it allows you to create more relevant content that speaks to your customers. Because the more content you deliver, the more opportunity you have to create opportunities to inspire engagement, establish authority and “feed the funnel.”

Find out who likes your page, too. Find Facebook’s “People and Other Pages” tab on the left hand side from your page’s settings, then use the dropdown menu to select between a few various view options. This feature is useful for tracking growth during page-like campaigns, find out what other brand pages like your page and allow you to even communicate with those individuals directly.

4. Pin some Posts

One of the very simple tips, yet extremely useful, is to pin posts to the top of your brand’s page. This keep that specific post top-of-mind (and top-of-page) so your audience sees any important company messages, announcements and events. Ready?

From your timeline, choose the post you want to pin, click on the down arrow in the upper right hand corner of that post and click, “Pin to Top.” The pinned post will remain there until you remove it. Change up your pinned post every couple weeks to showcase a larger variety and mix things up a bit.

5. Generate Trending Content

Make sure you always offer fresh content. If you suddenly run out of ideas, you might be tempted to recycle old posts, but your audience is clever enough to notice. The key is to always craft new, interesting and fresh content.

Facebook offers a “Save for Later” or “Save Link” feature that allows you to save and add bookmarks to some of the interesting content you find on Facebook and view it at another time. Check it out- from your news feed, click on the arrow in the upper right hand corner of an update that you want to save for later. Click “save link,” then when it comes time to view those saved posts or articles, go directly to or access them from your news feed on the left hand side under “Saved.”

And if you just don’t have the time or skills to compose articles and blog posts, look no further that Post Café. It’s exactly what we do!

Work Smarter (Not Harder) With Post Café

Don’t have time to generate the professional content needed to post on Facebook? Let the experts at Post Café help you start your social media journey; call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more!

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