5 Tips for Growing Your Moving Company’s Social Media Presence

 social media presence Post Cafe

In the sea of competition that your professional moving company likely faces, maintaining an active and effective social media presence is one of the best ways for your brand to stand out from its competitors.

Research shows that one of the biggest deciding factors for customers selecting one moving company over another is its reputation. People want to work with a reputable company that has the experience and know-how to get their moving job done safely and efficiently. Developing a social media presence for your moving company is a great way to help you build your brand’s stellar reputation and reach potential customers for your business.

5 Tips for Growing Your Moving Company’s Social Media Presence


1. Set goals

Before you are able to implement a solid social media strategy, you need to figure out why you want your brand to have a presence on social media. Go beyond ‘because everyone else is doing it’ and zero in on what you are hoping to accomplish from your efforts, and how you will measure their success. Are you hoping to grow your social following? Receive more online reviews? Convert new customers? Earn repeat business from previous ones? It’s important to know what you are trying to do before you set out to do it!

2. Build relationships

Regardless of what your moving company is specifically aiming to achieve, your social media strategy should be built upon efforts to form a bond with your audience. Building a quality following is the name of the game…it is far better to gain 100 loyal and engaged followers in your target audience who care about what you are posting on social media than to attain 500 who ignore you.

3. Share what they want to see

The best way to build a solid relationship with your target audience is easier than it sounds: share what they are interested in seeing. Post content that you think would be useful, educational, entertaining or important to the people you hope to gain as customers. Rather than pushing your own promotional agenda, establish your brand as a trusted resource by sharing the information you know they need.

4. Be consistent

In order to successfully grow your social presence, and to forge those loyal relationships with potential customers, you need to be reaching them on a regular basis. While that doesn’t necessarily require you to post every day to every platform, it does means you need to figure out the frequency that works for your audience so that you are able to stay top-of-mind and provide value regularly.

5. Enlist help!

If the idea of keeping up with the creation of a steady-flow of the engaging content that your audience wants to see and posting it to the proper channels at the right times seems like a daunting task among all the other responsibilities of running your moving company, don’t do it alone. Consider working with a service like Post Café to do the heavy lifting for you! We write the content relevant to the moving industry that your potential customers need and automate the sharing of that content to your social media pages for you.

Give us a call to find out more about how Post Café can help your moving company grow and maintain its social media presence.

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