15 Simple Tips to Craft Visual Social Media Content

Social Media ContentFrom Facebook to Twitter, Instagram and others, companies have more choices than ever before for capturing and sharing images with consumers. But when crafting visual social media content, the key is to personalize posts across platforms while keeping the tone and voice of the brand consistent. While you don’t need to have a professional photographer on standby, you do need to have an understanding of what’s involved…and a steady hand.

Regardless of your budget, there are countless opportunities to develop different types of visuals. For those looking to push the limits and drive immediate results, check out our 15 tips for sharing social-media friendly images.

15 Tips to Take Your Social Media Content to the Next Level

1. Boost Resolution

Whether you’re using a smartphone camera or a professional one, start with the highest resolution possible. Most smartphones have a high dynamic range (HDR) setting which can offer a good quality image. And keep the resolution the same throughout your posts, especially when making collages.

2. Follow the Rule of Thirds

The “rule of thirds” implies that you’re dividing up your image into thirds either horizontally or vertically. This theory, embraced by many professional photographers, aligns the point of interest slightly off-center which enables viewers to interact with it more naturally.

3. Add Variety

Variety matters. It’s the spice of life, right? Same goes for your social media posts. So, when you’re out snapping your photos, always take more than you think you’ll need in a variety of angles and set ups. To help keep you on track, map out a storyboard or list of shots ahead of time.

4. Frame Your Image

Generally, the less cluttered the background is, the more your image will pop. But also look for opportunities to create a natural frame around your image, whether with nature or tangible items.

5. Get Closer

From mouthwatering food to the intricate details on a necklace, closed-cropped images allow viewers to easily and quickly see what you’re trying to showcase.

6. Play with Angles

Experiment with different angles to make photos more engaging: point up, point down, shoot straight on, or straight down, take it from the left or from the right. Mix it up until you find an angle that works best.

7. Pop in Color

Help your image stand out with a colorful backdrop or product. Mostly black and white images with a pop of color can really give your image a dramatic tone.

8. Shine Bright

Adjust lighting to help images stand out. When possible, natural light works best. If the original photo is overexposed or underexposed, the intensity can easily be adjusted with filters on many smartphone apps.

9. Show and Tell…Don’t Sell

You don’t always have to sell your product or service (and you shouldn’t). It’s OK to celebrate a holiday, upcoming event, share a quote or post other photos that relate back to your business lifestyle.

10. Inspire

Inspire your followers by showcasing your company’s values and how your product or service is solving their problems.

11. Get Emotional

Don’t be afraid to showcase your sentimental side. Whether it’s a celebration of an employee’s new baby or wedding day, encourage emotion when it’s appropriate.

12. Infuse Action

Turn your image into a GIF to make your still image literally pop off the newsfeed.

13. Laugh

Sprinkle in some humor along the way. Not every image has to be business and serious. Keep the tone consistent with your brand, but don’t be afraid to have a little fun.

14. Experiment

Embrace creativity to find new ways to showcase your products or services. Mix it up to make consumers pause and engage. Track what works and what doesn’t and make adjustments along the way.

15. Go Behind the Scenes

Give your audience something they don’t usually get to see: your office, your teambuilding event, or the amazing cupcakes that your colleague made for someone’s promotion. It will make your customers feel like they’re a part of something bigger – your brand!

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