Unveiling the Secret to Success on Social Media for Business: Interview with Chris Walsh

Social Media for BusinessSocial media continues to change the way brands connect and engage with their customers. Whether your company is small or large, social media for business has the power to make some serious impressions.

One brand that caught our attention goes by the name of Chris Walsh, Premier Realtor in NJ. He was recently named the number one NJ Realtor on Social Media and is doing an excellent job engaging with his audience. We had the pleasure to interview him and get the scoop on how he has achieved such success online.

Interview with Chris Walsh, Top NJ Realtor on Social Media

PC- How does social media marketing fit into your overall marketing strategy?

CW- Social media marketing is imperative to my overall marketing strategy, without question. When you look at social behavior in 2017, the general public is utilizing these platforms for far more than just interacting with friends and family.  It is important to strike a balance when navigating your line of business into other peoples’ news feeds, but the key is to offer genuine value in your postings to keep followers engaged.

PC- Do you use any automated social media posting service and if yes, which one?

CW- Post Café is a staple in my Facebook marketing. I mentioned offering value in postings earlier, and Post Café does just that by curating content that potential buyers, sellers and everyday homeowners can pull inspiration and knowledge from. As a Realtor, having such a tool is a huge asset.

PC- Of course, your jaw-dropping pads are click-worthy, what else sets you apart from the busy newsfeed? What’s your secret?

CW- I try to only post content that I would personally appreciate and dive into myself.  Many business accounts assume a “look at me” tone in their posts, but again, it is staying engaged with the followers and circulating content that bleeds into the pulse of the community that sets you apart.

PC- What was your most buzz-worthy post recently or in the last few months?

CW- I was recently named New Jersey’s #1 Real Estate Agent on Social Media by Property Spark, so there has certainly been a surge in engagement since that was released.

PC- Which platform do you get the most engagement? The most leads?

CW- Facebook has generated the most leads for me.  I have been using the platform for years now, and have established a solid presence with close to 5,000 active followers. There are so many digital marketing vehicles through Facebook, so I try to utilize them as effectively as possible.  Instagram, while not yet on the level of Facebook in terms of leads, is excellent for keeping people engaged. I was able to secure the IG username @TheRealEstateLeader, and primarily post top-tier listings on there.

PC- If you had advice for a realtor just starting out on social media and/or struggling with their social media marketing, what would it be?

CW- Subscribe to Post Café, read “Jab, Jab, Right Hook” by Gary Vaynerchuk and learn the ins and outs of Facebook marketing. Play around in your early stages with a small budget. Throw a few dollars behind different types of posts, and test how they perform amongst the different demographics that you select when targeting your ads.

PC- How do you use each platform differently?

Facebook and Instagram are very symbiotic in terms of cross posting. I tend to post news articles pertinent to the community, entertainment suggestions and, of course, new listings on Facebook. When I boost a post on Facebook, I make sure to run the same promotion on Instagram as well.

PC- How did you realize that you needed to switch over from using social media as a personal profile, to a business profile?

CW- I still use my personal Facebook page for personal use, but growing a business page was a necessity when I realized the vehicle that Facebook was building for independent businesses. It has been a game changer and things are only going to get more interesting as technology builds upon itself.

PC- If you could change one thing about the features in Facebook, what would that be?

CW- Facebook has crossed most T’s and dotted most I’s, but if I were to nit-pick, I would like to see a more distinguishable UI (user interface) theme between personal and business pages.

PC- What is your brand voice on social media: fun, professional, education, or combination?

CW- Certainly a combination.

PC- What are your next big goals for social media?

CW- My goal, as always, is to stay ahead of the pack and use the newest tech to do so. Big advancements in software and hardware are in queue with VR, AR and AI on the horizon so it will be interesting to see how those will intersect with small business marketing efforts.  Super exciting.

Social Media for Business Made Easy with Content from Post Café

Congratulations again to Monmouth County, NJ realtor–and Post Cafe subscriber–Chris Walsh Premier Realtor on being named New Jersey’s top real estate agent on social media by PropertySpark!

We’re proud to work with such an innovative leader in his field.

Find him on Facebook at Chris Walsh Premier Realtor and Instagram at @TheRealEstateLeader!

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