How (and When) to Schedule Tweets on Twitter

Depending on your target audience demographics, it’s pretty likely that they won’t be scrolling through Twitter when you’re working. Most likely, they’re online when you’re not (weekends, evenings, holidays). But, that doesn’t mean you have to be posting 24/7. Of course, Twitter is a fast-paced party with live Tweets and by-the-second updates. But, some posts can be relevant and useful, yet posted at any time. That’s why many brands prefer to schedule Tweets on Twitter in addition to live Tweeting.

By using a handy tool, like Post Café, to schedule your content in advance, it’s simple to stay top-of-mind in the Twittersphere without feeling tied to you phone.

Why Should I Schedule My Tweets for Twitter?

Do you live in New York but have a lot of followers in California? If you need to send out a message on their evening commute, but don’t want to be on your phone during dinner to do it, scheduling Tweets can be a useful option. Just write out your post, set the time (time will be set as your local time) and enjoy a peaceful dinner with the family.

It’s simple, really. In addition to having access to industry-related content on Post Café, you can also create unique, authentic social media messages. Scheduling Tweets saves valuable time. It’s perfect for posts that you don’t have time to stay on top of all hours of the day (and night).

When Should I Schedule Tweets on Twitter?

Twitter is the best platform for serving up bite-sized nuggets of content when people are taking a break from their day. With that in mind, it makes sense to engage with your audience when they’re online…or you’ll get lost in the feed.

Are you unsure of the best time to Tweet? Scheduling can help.

Spread your Tweets at multiple times throughout the day and track the data once they’re sent. If you notice a particular time when your Tweet received more traction over and over again… BAM! That’s your optimal time!

You see, every audience responds differently. Sure, we can tell you that the stats say optimal times for Twitter are noon (lunch hour) and 6pm (getting home from work) with click through rates generally hitting the highest midweek and during the weekend. But, none of that really matters…if it doesn’t apply to you, your brand and your audience.

A word of caution. It’s always a good idea to pause any scheduled Tweets or promotions during a tragedy or large national event. If you don’t, people will notice. And not the good kind of notice. Many brands have suffered backlash from unrelated Tweets considered poor taste (and horrible timing) during national tragedies.

What Can I Post on Twitter?

On Twitter, you can post text (up to 280 characters) and up to four photos, a GIF or a video in your Tweet. A link with a URL of any length will be altered to 23 characters, even if the link itself is less than 23 characters long. You can post live Tweets as well as scheduled Tweets, good for general posting and evergreen (timeless) information.

What Kind of Tweets Should I Schedule on Twitter?

Your message should be compelling, relevant to your target audience and authentic to your brand. A few quick tips:

The bottom line is: the average lifespan of a Tweet is about 15 minutes. You’ll want to make it count.

Scheduling Tweets Through Post Café

Ready to take your brand’s social media posting to the next level this year? Get strategic about your Tweets and smart about your time. With Post Café, you can conveniently share robust content on your social media platforms, while seamlessly tracking data and performance insights by using your own dashboard. This gives you the tools to succeed and build credibility on today’s most popular social media networks, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Call us at 732-218-9377 to find out how Post Café can help you dominate on Twitter!

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