7 Quick Ways to Refresh Your Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing StrategyFor a long time, blogs have been considered an integral part of online culture – a personal conversation starter on the internet. However, as more businesses are refreshing their online presence, blogs have become more than just an outlet for personal voices…but an opportunity for brands to establish themselves as a trusted resource. From industry magazines to statistics, experts agree that a strong online content marketing strategy is a must-have for brands. Many businesses are reevaluating how they look at this underutilized complement to social media and taking a chance by doing things differently because it’s no longer about selling to customers, it’s about providing solutions and becoming their go-to resource.

Refresh. Refresh.

As a small business, deciding when to refresh your online presence can be tricky. But the good news is that it can be done in small, manageable steps. Here are 7 simple ways to liven up your content marketing strategy and boost the effectiveness of your social media presence starting today.

1. Provide an Exceptional Experience

Makeover your social media presence.

Consumers continue to look for solutions that simplify their busy lifestyles, but more and more are still looking to feel connected to the brands they buy from. When it comes to making a purchasing decision, they rely on word-of-mouth and trust referrals from friends and families. Deliver exceptional experience online and in person and your customers will share their recommendations with their friends.

2. Makeover Your Presence on Social Media

Marketing research shows that companies who have a strong presence on Facebook and Twitter get great results by utilizing these channels. But when it comes to social media, this requires posting reliable updates with relevant material that engages (not annoys) the audience (rather posting just to post). Regardless of your industry, try to have fun and let loose, yet maintain a professional voice to communicate with your fans.

3. Go Evergreen

Generate more evergreen content.

Evergreen content, just as the evergreen tree, is content that will appeal to your audience year-round. While you should still use holidays and trending news to offer timely content on social media, generate more timeless articles that can be shared any season…and even next year.

4. Create Quality Content Instead of More

When you create content that is worth sharing, it has the potential to go viral. This can be anything from an infographic, a how-to piece with plenty of visuals or an engaging article that inspires. Make a goal to create one piece of epic content each week instead of writing more (filler) content that gets lost in the shuffle. Do this and you’ll be sure to see an improvement in your insights.

5. Set Up a Content Calendar

If you don’t already utilize a content calendar, it’s time to start one. As a central place where your content marketing strategy can live, it should include your social media campaigns, quarterly themes, promotions, daily posts, holidays and other industry-related information you need to communicate. To ensure its efficiency, organize and update it regularly.

6. Analyze Keywords

To determine the relevancy of your content specific for your audience, it’s necessary to analyze keywords. When it comes to determining fresh keywords or key phrases, there are many effective tools you can use to get high value keywords for relevant content. This may also help you refresh any older posts or inspire ideas for future articles.

7. Optimize Titles and Meta Descriptions

The title of your post directly affects the reader’s first impression and whether or not they will click on it to read more. It’s important to create clear headlines with a direct and enticing call-to-action in the meta description.

Content Marketing Strategy Refresh Takeaway

A successful content marketing strategy assesses and refreshes regularly to keep up with the changing needs of customers as well as your business. If there’s something that doesn’t end up working the way you expected, don’t be afraid to try a different route. And if all of this sounds overwhelming to you, let Post Café help!

We make it easy for businesses to get started (or refreshed) with all the content to get noticed online; call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more.

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