Why Brands Still Need Organic Social Media

organic social mediaIn today’s crowded social space, it can feel like getting your brand noticed with an organic social media strategy is harder than ever. It has grown increasingly difficult to get your message into your audience’s newsfeed without paying to put it there.

But launching a paid social media strategy doesn’t mean you should give up on your brand’s organic social posting efforts altogether. Quite the contrary.

Even as your brand embraces paid social media marketing, it remains crucial to maintaining a solid organic social media strategy as well.

Three reasons why your brand still needs organic social media:

1. It helps you reach your audience authentically.

Organic social posting gives you the ability to provide your audience with the content they want to see in a way that a paid strategy never could. While a paid initiative is, by definition, meant to be promotional, organic social posting affords you the luxury to share content that will help you to form a bond with your audience and to earn their loyalty. Organic posting allows you to share the kind of information that will enable your audience to get to know your brand and its core values. By observing how your audience engages with those posts, it also allows you to gain valuable insight into their pain points and behaviors.

2. It’s incredibly cost-effective.

Can you name another marketing strategy that gives your brand the opportunity to reach consumers within your own audience directly with messaging of your choosing, for free?

Your organic strategy is limited only by the amount of time you are able to put into creating quality social content, and by your commitment to doing so. While time is a precious commodity for every marketer, the fact remains that nothing comes close to offering the bang-for-your-buck in terms of reach that organic social marketing does.

3. It complements your paid social strategy.

The beauty of social media marketing is that it’s not an either/or proposition—you can (and should) incorporate both paid and organic strategies to get the most out of your efforts. Suppose an ad your brand runs on Facebook catches a user’s attention. They are likely to check out your brand’s FB profile–and you can bet they’ll hope to find a page filled with interesting, engaging content. Not more ads. Following a consistent organic social posting schedule to populate your page with the content users want to see will allow you to maximize the ROI on your social marketing spend.

Need help with regularly generating the organic content that your audience wants to see? Give Post Café a call at 732-218-9377 to make the most out of your organic social media strategy.

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