
Content Marketing StrategyContent marketing has caught on with realtors in the past several years—and it’s not hard to see why. With 88% of all homebuyers turning to the internet for their home search, real estate professionals can’t afford to ignore this strategy for reaching their audience online.

But content marketing is more than a buzzword. It’s a strategy for connecting with your target audience over time by providing genuinely useful and relevant content to help them solve their issues.

Research says that almost 90% of business-to-consumer marketers are currently using some form of content marketing to drive their business—but many confess to struggling with getting it right.

How do you know if your content marketing strategy is working?

3 Signs Your Content Marketing Strategy Needs Help

1. You Don’t Know Your Audience

Let’s start at the beginning…who are you talking to? It’s impossible to provide content that is truly valuable if you’re not sure who is on the receiving end of it. The idea behind content marketing is to provide your audience with what they want to see. Understanding exactly who you are trying to reach, and getting to know them and what they want, will allow you to cater your content directly to them.

Creating a ‘buyer persona’—a fictionalized character that represents your ideal client—and gearing your content marketing directly to this persona, can be an invaluable tool to help keep the content you are generating on track.

2. You Make It About You Instead Of Them

‘Content marketing is like a first date. If all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second date.’  David Beebe, Marriott International

It’s as true in life as it is in marketing—focusing too much on yourself is a total turn-off. The content you share should be geared toward who you want reading it. Share insight on topics that interest your target audience—or buyer persona—to maximize its ability to inform and engage.

Yes, the ultimate goal of your content marketing is to promote your brand, make connections and eventually land new clients—but the keyword here is ultimate. Content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Going for the quick sale by sharing content that is overtly self-promotional will be counterproductive. Don’t underestimate your audience—they’ll be able to see through a poorly veiled sales pitch easily, and you’ll quickly lose your credibility, and their attention.

3. You’re Not Sharing Quality Content

When it comes to content marketing, more is not always better. While it’s important to follow a consistent schedule of creating content to help you establish credibility and stay top-of-mind with your audience, churning out content just for the sake of more content won’t help you.

What makes for quality real estate content?

  • titles that grab a reader’s attention
  • topics that speak to your audience’s wants or needs
  • well-researched information that provides real value to the reader
  • readable format that includes images or videos to keep your audience engaged

Post Café Can Help You Grow

Are you struggling to break through the noise with your content marketing strategy? Post Café can help you get it right. By creating and automating the sharing of relevant and engaging content, Post Café can help you grow a strong online reputation for your real estate brand on social media. Give us a call at 732-218-9377 to find out what Post Café can do for you.