So, You Still Don’t Have a Business Blog? Don’t Let These 3 Excuses Stop You from Getting Noticed on Facebook

As a business, you probably already know that you’re basically invisible without some sort of social media presence, and you know all about the benefits of a business blog, right? But all too often, businesses end up dragging their feet on getting started and get stuck in the muck with excuses for why it can’t be done.

We’re here to call you out. Or rather, call out your excuses… one by one. If any of these three excuses sound like something that’s holding your small business back from getting noticed on social media, consider them BUSTED.

To Blog or Not to Blog?

EXCUSE 1: It’s all been said before

Don’t want to get lost in the sea of all the same? Yes, it’s true, there are a lot of blogs out there (more than 74 million, in fact) but That. Doesn’t. Matter. It may have been said before, but it hasn’t been said by YOU. Your loyal audience wants to hear from you because they trust and value your professional opinion. Don’t let the fear of being another voice in the blogosphere hold you back.

EXCUSE 2: I’m not good at writing.

Writing is like any other skill, you have to practice to improve. And if you’re good with speaking to your customers about your services and products, you have great knowledge and enthusiasm, you can write about it. But you don’t have to do it alone. With Post Café, we write the clever, informative, buzzworthy articles and post them on your Facebook page (for you), so you look like the thoroughly informed, up-to-the-minute, can’t-ignore industry resource everyone’s looking for. The pure fact is, content marketing is the numero uno tool to attract new clients and grow your business on Facebook.

EXCUSE 3: I don’t have the time.

Oh boy, “I don’t have the time to ________.” This is the biggest excuse in the book. We can basically fill in the blank of any activity that we think we should be doing, but just can’t bring ourselves to prioritize and actually do (think: exercise, cook, vacation, read…write a business blog). It’s true, we all have to prioritize the activities and events in our lives by level of importance, those “must-do” items need your focus.

We totally get it, finding relevant, engaging content to grow and enhance your client relationships can be a full-time job. And it shouldn’t be yours. Post Cafe helps you to build an ongoing conversation with your clients that extends beyond the sale. We’ll post strategically written, on-trend content for you on Facebook. You’ll benefit from a longer lifetime value of your client list, staying top of mind for repeat business and qualified referrals.

Make Your Facebook Page Get Real Attention with a Creative Content

Let’s be honest…with all the buzz happening on a typical Facebook newsfeed (not to mention snaps, tweets, live streams, GIFs, pins, etc), you have to wonder if anyone is paying attention to the posts you share. We’re in a state of constant content overload. So, the only thing that really differentiates your company’s service or product from the competition is your creativity and innovative thinking. Stand out and learn how to “Color Outside the Lines” with killer content to get your brand noticed on Facebook once and for all with Post Café.

Experience Post Café

Don’t have time to DIY? Let the experts at Post Café help you get started with all the content you need to get noticed; call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more!

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