Mastering the Art of Digital Spooning: A Guide to Building Relationships on Your Business Facebook Page

Are you ready to enter into a deeper, more meaningful relationship…and start spooning with your business Facebook page? With some helpful tips for setting simple goals – and keeping them – a spoonful mood will bring out the best in your social media relationships. You might be wondering…what does spooning have to do with my business? Well, snuggle up and read on.

Snuggle Up to Social Media

Like two spoons in a drawer, spooning is a kind of horizontal hug, two bodies curling up so they fit perfectly. It’s an action that is more intimate than a second date and much more personal than a candlelit dinner at home. To build a better relationship with someone, you need to connect with them through a 2-way interaction. It’s a mutually beneficial give-and-take cuddle session.

Business owners have the power to fully snuggle up to their social media audience and develop deep and meaningful relationships (read: repeat customers and referrals). And they can do this easily through Facebook. While a website is extremely important for any brand, it does not provide that level of connection as a business Facebook page does. In fact, 50% of consumers value a brand’s Facebook page more than its website.

So, if you want a genuine relationship with your Facebook fans – the kind where they tell you what they really want – you have to be prepared for some bonding time. You must get engaged with them and build a strong community through conversations. Become a reliable resource for your audience without a hidden agenda.

Build Better Relationships

Relationships are hard work though. Just like the special bond with a soulmate, one must communicate, nurture the relationship, align your purposes and heal all dysfunctions as soon as they become present. Passively hoping for a change without making the effort won’t get ya anywhere. You hold the power to create (and heal) the relationships you deserve. Let us count the ways…

5 Ways to Build Relationships on Your Business Facebook Page

1. Don’t call them “Baby”. Show your fans that you acknowledge them – use their first name when you respond to comments. Instead of just “liking” comments that your fans took time to leave on your Facebook page, engage and create a conversation with them. Tell them why you appreciate them. Compliment their shoes (not really, that will probably just get you in trouble). They will thank you for it. People like hearing their names and instantly feel more value and a deeper connection.

2. Don’t catfish. Are the relationships you’re building worthy of a spooning – or more like a first date? Be real with your customers. Show them who your brand is and what you represent. Don’t be afraid to show a personal side with a behind the scenes view of the team or asking your audience questions to increase trust. Let them know you’re human. If they don’t like you, it probably wasn’t meant to be anyway.

3. Don’t go to bed angry. Ignoring a problem won’t make it go away. Being responsive is very important when problems surface and your audience points them out. Resist the urge to walk away, it will only make things worse and could damage your brand’s reputation. Letting problems fester – whether they are public relations fiasco’s or one person’s customer service issue – can stain future relationships.

4. Don’t play hard to get. Consistency is key. Stay in touch with your fans with a consistent posting schedule so they know you’re there for them. Once you’ve built a reputation, you’ll be surprised at how many meaningful business relationships you can build online.

5. Maybe don’t talk shop all night. Be engaging. Talk about things besides strictly your business. Find out what matters to your fans and how you can relate. When it comes to planning social media content, generate engaging posts that make your fans hungry for more. And don’t just schedule and forget about the posts; once published, take a moment to look through the comments and continue the conversation with them….don’t leave ‘em hanging.

Be the Big Spoon.

From holding hands on the first date to snuggling up at home, these tips are guaranteed to put your business Facebook page relationships into high gear. And as the big spoon – ahem, business – you need to take the lead and keep these relationships full of sizzle and life. Of course, one of the main prerequisites to developing these trusting relationships is to give them a reason to keep coming back. Keep your Facebook feed bumping with carefully curated, conversation-worthy posts. Let the team at Post Café whip those up for you so you can focus your efforts on responding to comments and making the connections spoon-worthy.

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